You might think I’m a bit of a softie if I tell you that an annual report brought tears to my eyes. Well, maybe I am! But sometimes certain things just really touch your heart, especially when you’re passionate about the cause. Just a couple of weeks ago, REI dropped their Impact Report for 2023. There was a big portion about the Path Ahead Ventures program, which is an accelerator program that supports founders of color navigating in the outdoor industry.
Flashback to last year, around the same time, after going through six rounds of nail-biting screenings (including a nerve-wracking pitch to a panel of ten people), I got the thrilling news: I was chosen to be part of their Navigate cohort! Alongside five other amazing startup companies, we embarked on this transformative journey.
For me, getting the nod from an industry titan like REI isn't just a pat on the back – it serves as validation of Hootie Hoo's potential. It's like being part of an exclusive club, where I've got a posse to lean on, a community to belong to, and enough confidence to power a rocket ship. It's a big, fat gold star that says, "You're doing something right, Hootie Hoo!" It’s a recognition of the blood, sweat, and tears that my team and I pour into building a community of families dedicated to raising healthy, responsible children.
Now, let's talk about the not-so-fun part: Partnering with REI isn't exactly a walk in the park, especially for a small fry like us. They've got very high standards, covering everything from ESG to shipping and labeling. Meeting those standards? Let's just say it's like trying to juggle flaming torches – stressful, to say the least. I still remember having to plow through a 92-page onboarding document before we could even think about becoming a vendor of REI. But hey, every obstacle is simply another opportunity to showcase those entrepreneurial skills, wouldn't you agree?
With all that said, I want to share a heartfelt thanks to REI for helping our business scale up. And I want to extend a big personal thank you to Susan Viscon, Dan Kihanya, Keenan Corrigan, Mona West, and the rest of the PAV team. Entrepreneurship can sometimes feel like a solo journey, but you folks have really made this transformative ride a lot more fun and enjoyable.